My arduino bookmarks
- Optek | Process Control | Sensors and Transducers | Photoelectric Sensors | Slotted Optical Switches & Reflective Sensors |OPB608A
- This page shows: Type: Unfocused, Output Type: NPN Open Collector, Operating Temperature Range: -40 → +85°C,
- Weather Sensor Assembly..pdf (application/pdf Object)
- Digi-Key - 551-1044-ND (Manufacturer - SCP1000 PCB3)
- 551-1044-ND - SENSOR I2C 30-120KPA PCB (SCP1000 PCB3 - Manufacturer)
- Photo Reflector SY-CR102 : Photodiodes : Maplin
- In Stock and Now only 0.79 Over 15,000 electronics products plus AMAZING SAVINGS in our sale. Claim FREE MONEYOFF VOUCHERS. FREE DELIVERY when you spend over 35. PayPal accepted.
- Metric Nut, Bolt, Screw, Washer Threads, Dimensions, Sizes, Tap Drill Size, Hole Size,
- DIY wireless digital rain gauge.
- DIY wireless digital rain gauge.
- 1-Wire Barometer
- Construction of a 1-Wire Barometer. This page shows the
circuit, and gives construction and calibration details. This barometer connects to a
Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire network.
- Arduino Shop - Open Hardware Modules for Arduino : GPS - SD - XBee - GPRS - Bluetooth - Sensors
- CONVAR & PCinspector Data Recovery Datenrettung recupero dati datarecovery récupération données
- disk tape data recovery service Datenrettung
recupero dati recuperodati récupération données hard disk Festplatte disco rigido
disque dur magnetic tape Magnetband nastro magnetico ruban magnétique
- Linux Home Automation
- The source for information on Linux/unix Smart Homes
- start - Nethome
- Tinker Tools | Arduino Beginners kit
- Bare Bones Board - Modern Device Company
- wind speed meter « diy projects « house design «
- wind speed meter « diy projects « house design «
- Implementation 3 - student dorm room
- A friend of mine followed this instructable, and equipped his apartment with temperature sensors. In the fridge, bathroo...
- Temperature sensor / weatherstation
- Create a weatherstation or temperature monitor using the very cool digital temperature sensor DS1820.I use this setup to...
- Ethernet Shield V1.0 for Arduino [] - £12.50 :, Arduino Freeduino projects
- Arduino, Freeduino related products, ethernet, LCD, Prototype, shield
- 10 Segment Display : Bar Graph Displays : Maplin
- In Stock and Now only 1.09 Over 15,000 electronics products plus AMAZING SAVINGS in our sale. Claim FREE MONEYOFF VOUCHERS. FREE DELIVERY when you spend over 35. PayPal accepted.
- Arduino Forum - Index
- Practical Arduino: About The Book
- Earthshine Design
- Earthshine Design - The Arduino tinkers playground
- Analog, Linear, and Mixed-Signal Devices from Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor
- Over 6100 analog and mixed signal ICs in 28 categories. Design tools, free samples, and thousands of application notes. A $2B company.
- Arduino Duemilanove Starter Kit from Cool Components
- Arduino Duemilanove Starter Kit from Cool Components
- Robotiq Online
- Arduino - HomePage
- Seeed Studio
- Projects - Fritzing
- Learn from circuit examples how to use parts. From "Hello World" to complex hacks. Please note: this page is under heavy development!
- Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
- Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits : - SpokePOV MiniPOV SIM reader x0xb0x Tools MintyBoost Gift Certificates Digg Button AVR Development Arduino Useful stuff BoArduino TV-B-Gone Game of Life YBox2 Drawdio XBee Fuzebox Meggy Jr Tweet-a-Watt Wires, Cables, etc Robotics Sensors/Parts separator0 LEDs & LCDs Power supply Clocks ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping
- .:oomlout:. Arduino & DIY Electronics and kits in the UK
- Welcome to .:oomlout:. - Your UK web store stocking all things Arduino, (starter kits, motors, sensors, LEDS, and we're adding more all the time) we also have other fun bits.
- Arduino - RobotShop
- Arduino and other robot products. At RobotShop, you will find Here you will find robot vacuums and cleaners, robotic lawn mowers, robot toys, robot kits and robot parts to build your own robots.
- Home Firewall - MikroTik Wiki
- PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor
- Parallax's PING)))™ ultrasonic sensor is a low-cost and easy method of distance measurement. For applications that need to measure between moving or stationary objects.
- WEA-WVKIT-A.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- Arduino Tutorial - Learn electronics and microcontrollers using Arduino!
- Sensor Systems
- Arduino playground - Tachometer
- The World Famous Index of Arduino & Freeduino Knowledge
- An evolving index of knowledge for Freeduino and Arduino compiled from the WWW.
- Welcome | Curiosity Collective
- Rapid | Distributors of electronic components, electrical products and educational supplies
- Free delivery on orders over £30. Rapid is among the UKs leading distributors of electronic components, electrical products and educational resources. We offer same day despatch, full technical support on our comprehensive product range.
- Domotica Bwired, Home automation showcase in the Netherlands, Domoticaforum
- Domotica, A realtime online Home in the Netherlands, een online Domotica huis in nederland, everything in the Bwired house is realtime on the internet.
- 1-wire electricity monitoring
- Working with Dallas DS18S20 and DS18B20 temperature sensors ·
- A short tutorial on working with Dallas temperature sensors on the Arduino platform.
- Connecting Arduino to Dallas 1 Wire devices via Peter Anderson Controller- asw1onew1
- A program showing how to connect 1-Wire devices (Dallas, aka MicroLan) to Arduino by letting a Peter Anderson OneWire Controller do the heavy lifting.
- Arduino playground - OneWire
- File:Schematic-dallas-18s20.gif - Knowledge Base -
- Arduino Shields
- File:TCL Breakout2.JPG - Knowledge Base -
- Dallas Temperature Control Library - Knowledge Base -
- Spindle and Surface Speed Measurement
- This site gives details of Tony Jeffree's spare time activities in horology and model engineering. There are a number of articles related to the Taig Lathe and Peatol Lathe, and the Taig CNC Mill.
- Sheffield Arduino Hackers Network - Because LEGO just isn't enough
- Sheffield Arduino Hackers Network is a social network on Ning
- Arduino meets Processing via Wifi DD-WRT
- 74LS TTL Components
- 74LS TTL Components
- Sustainable Suburbia: Take Control
- My Open Source Projects
- Installing a Perl Script
- An introduction to the installation of a simple Perl script.
- Perl Basics: Printing HTML Output
- An introduction to the basics of printing
HTML output to a Web browser with Perl.
- SQLZOO, Select a record with the latest date
- Interfacing Flash and Arduino, from scratch (Part 1) | Jean-Philippe Côté
- 1o1o1o1o1 - Arduino VS Flash
- workshops, physical computing, microcontrollers
- Zoomkat's Home Page
- Zoomkat's web page shows you how to build a simple pan/tilt webcam inexpensivly for your self, your home, or your business. Streaming webcam tips and info here.
- Aerocon Systems
- Apparatus, Supplies, and Resources for
Rocketry Inventors and Experimenters
-, Robotics made Easy! - WebStore, Robot kits & Accessories
- : - Robot kits Servo Controllers Servos & Motors Arduino Sensors Components Apparel & Gifts Leads and cables Botbuilder, Robot, Robot Shop, Robot Kits
- Arduino Forum - Homemade wheel encoder
- 2 pcs Wireless RF Transceiver 915MHz FSK Data Transfer_GPRS, GSM, CDMA and other Communication Modules_GPS, GPRS, GSM, CDMA_RF and Audio, Video Equipments_Sure Electronics' Webstore
- IRC and Arduino — CMD-c && CMD-v
- IRC and Arduino
- RS232 serial cable pinout information
- RS232 serial cables and adapters. Pinout and wiring layout for many situations. DB9 to DB25 conversion and null modem wiring diagrams.
- Suunto PC Interface
- Suunto Solution/Alpha and Eon PC Interface.